Wednesday 23 May 2007

Chaos and sanity.

We are chaos in motion, a twist in a massive plot.
Chaos to ourselves, believing we are not.
We invent ourselves as a natural state of being,
a million billion cells, a force beyond our seeing.
Not of ancient God or modern science,
we a but products of the natural appliance.

Where sanity sails a surging tide
through gales of laughter, joy and pride.
Between the cries and tortured screams
our hopes are pined to sunken dreams.
We struggle forth with a raging might
through elements wild and black as night.
Then calmness comes to rest a while
but madness waits with crooked smile.

1983, Gareth Pritchard.

Monday 21 May 2007

Still no strangers for the interview.

I went to the party but I had camera problems so had to abandon the idea of interviews for the time being. I did run the idea past a few people and there seemed to be a willingness to participate.

I am all mixed up in so many activities all at the same time it is good that I have this blog the keep me on trak.

I found this excellent free office tool that is very useful because you can open Microsoft word files and other office components like excel and power point. You can also save as PDF files. These are very useful for exchanging documents over the Internet, it works with very similar commands and functions as Microsoft Office so it is quite easy and very similar to use.

You can get it here: ( )


Thursday 17 May 2007

Easy sales and ebay tales.

Selling goods online is easy as pie you just decide what it is you want to sell and start selling it the fact is you can get money for old rope as seen on UK. TV.

Three pieces of rope that in actual fact was one piece found on a beach and split into three with all three pieces sold on ebay for a profit. Now that makes it very difficult to say that you can’t sell anything on the Internet.

So where is the problem and why do so many people struggle to sell stuff to make money when you can sell anything?

The first point to consider is ebay is an online market place so people are on ebay with a mind to buy or sell items. Another point is this, ebay is known through out the world for selling goods and draws buyers and sellers to it like a magnet because it is also easy. A few clicks and you in, a few more and your item is up for sale, it is that easy and this simplicity also explains part of its popularity.

So the point is this, you don’t need to find customers on ebay they find you.

Of course there is more to it than that but in principle at least it is relatively easy to make a profit on ebay.

I sold a caravan on ebay to a guy living a mile down the road, he walks past my house every day taking his dog for a walk. I was given the caravan because it would cost the owner more to try and sell it than it would to just give it away, he need more space badly. He even towed it to my house for me and the guy down the road who I met on ebay towed it away and give me 500 pounds as well, how mad is that?

I could tell you more stories about ebay but I won’t because I bet you have plenty of your own if you have then please leave a comment with your story, why not it could bring a smile to someone’s face. Laughter the best therapy in the known universe.

Time for me to be doing some work now, be seeing you all soon now.


PS. Looks like I’m still talking to myself.

Wednesday 16 May 2007

Is both free and priceless at the same time.

A Thought

When does a thought cease to be a thought?
When it becomes substance, when it actualizes.
Knowledge is power but to actually use it
is something else.

Well I haven’t interviewed a stranger yet but I am working on it, I have a few ideas in the pipe line maybe a video or two, to interview a few strangers about the subject getting high. You know something like “Hi there, mister very important drugs worker could you please help me? Could you please give me a brief description or definition, your definition of get high, could you define what it means for/to you.”

“Get high to me means you feel extremely good a kind of big YES feeling inside, success and achievement usually bring it on.”

I was doing a search on the words get high and found them to be very popular search terms so I might build a web site about the key words get high.

The key words, get high.

Web page title maybe, strong on in helping to rank on search engines.

I got to get off this, I got things to do.

An Idea.

Two maybe more very knowledgeable drugs workers are having a birthday party in a few days and what a great place to grab some interviews.

A birthday present, a card, a surprise, a gesture is now a priority.

This stranger seems to be interviewing himself at the moment and considering using this blog as a tool for managing projects, a tool for reflection and planing sounds good to me.

For now at least, I’ll be seeing you again some other time soon.