Wednesday 16 May 2007

Is both free and priceless at the same time.

A Thought

When does a thought cease to be a thought?
When it becomes substance, when it actualizes.
Knowledge is power but to actually use it
is something else.

Well I haven’t interviewed a stranger yet but I am working on it, I have a few ideas in the pipe line maybe a video or two, to interview a few strangers about the subject getting high. You know something like “Hi there, mister very important drugs worker could you please help me? Could you please give me a brief description or definition, your definition of get high, could you define what it means for/to you.”

“Get high to me means you feel extremely good a kind of big YES feeling inside, success and achievement usually bring it on.”

I was doing a search on the words get high and found them to be very popular search terms so I might build a web site about the key words get high.

The key words, get high.

Web page title maybe, strong on in helping to rank on search engines.

I got to get off this, I got things to do.

An Idea.

Two maybe more very knowledgeable drugs workers are having a birthday party in a few days and what a great place to grab some interviews.

A birthday present, a card, a surprise, a gesture is now a priority.

This stranger seems to be interviewing himself at the moment and considering using this blog as a tool for managing projects, a tool for reflection and planing sounds good to me.

For now at least, I’ll be seeing you again some other time soon.

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